Match Report

Clear Water Spa
today's match is sponsored by Clear Water Spa

Match Report

Match Report
It's a beautiful clear and sunny day here at Municipal Germán Becker where Temuco SADP play host to Palestino. A crowd of 10,645 fill this 14,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Temuco SADP and Palestino are lined up in a 4-4-2 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Martín Cortés.

Temuco SADP start the match!
Maximiliano Ruiz flicks a high pass forward. Lucas Ortiz collects the pass. Lucas Ortiz knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Julián Leiva.
Julián Leiva flicks a high pass forward. Luciano Gutiérrez holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Luciano Gutiérrez changes direction and makes an attacking run forward. Luciano Gutiérrez knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Vicente Molina who gathers it comfortably.
Bastián Fuentes flicks the ball to his team mate, Juarez Mozart. Juarez Mozart knocks the ball to his team mate, Juan Prado. Juan Prado shoots from distance but it whistles just wide of the post!
Martín Bustos flicks a high pass forward. Fernando Yáñez holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Fernando Yáñez sees Juan Prado in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Juan Prado knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Luis Jara.
Marco Antonio Coronado laces a weighted ball forward to Pedro Lucas Dida. Pedro Lucas Dida knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Agustín Castillo.
Juarez Mozart kicks a strong pass forward to Lucas Ortiz. Lucas Ortiz knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Diego Hector Vargas.
Agustín Castillo makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Juan Prado. Juan Prado cuts inside the box! Some good footwork from Juan Prado provides some space. He shoots at goal but Esteban Saavedra is on top of it.
The first half ends with the referee blowing his whistle!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Temuco SADP appear unchanged since the first half. Palestino also appear unchanged since the first half.

Palestino kick off and get the second half underway!
Fernando Yáñez brings the ball forward. Fernando Yáñez whips in a cross ball towards Juan Prado. Juan Prado is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but he balloons it over the crossbar!
José Pizarro flicks the ball to his team mate, Lucas Ortiz. Lucas Ortiz threads the ball through to Juan Prado but he's offside!
Bastián Fuentes sees Maximiliano Ruiz in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Maximiliano Ruiz deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Juan Prado. Juan Prado knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Luis Jara.
Agustín Castillo hits a low pass to Juarez Mozart. Juarez Mozart flicks the ball to his team mate, Lucas Ortiz. Lucas Ortiz knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Luciano Gutiérrez.
José Pizarro flicks a high pass forward to Juarez Mozart who brings the ball under control. Juarez Mozart plays a one-two with Juan Prado and advances towards the goal... Some good footwork from Juarez Mozart provides some space. He shoots at goal but Diego Hector Vargas is between the ball and the goal. Well blocked!
Juan Prado kicks a strong pass forward to Lucas Ortiz. Lucas Ortiz advances inside the box! Lucas Ortiz tries a spectacular strike. The ball strikes Diego Hector Vargas's outstretched foot and is deflected wide.
It's a corner kick. Juarez Mozart kicks a low ball in to towards the near post. José Pizarro comes through the middle and smashes a shot from 11 yards out his aim is horrendously poor!
Josue Acosta threads a neat ball through to Alves De S. Díaz. Alves De S. Díaz makes a probing pass between the defence to Filipe Esquivel. Filipe Esquivel shoots from just inside the box. The ball edges inside the post - goal!!
Fernando Yáñez makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Juan Prado. Juan Prado cuts inside the box! Juan Prado comes in from the right and smashes a shot from 11 yards out but it scrapes just over the bar. Good effort!
The whistle blows full-time!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 0 vs 1
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 3 vs 1
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 4 vs 0
Offsides: 1 vs 0
Fouls: 0 vs 0
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 75.7142857142857 vs 24.2857142857143
Play Area
Home team third: 24.29%, Midfield: 51.43%, Away team third: 24.29%


Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Filipe Esquivel of Palestino

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
7. José Pizarro (MID)
8. Juarez Mozart (MID)
10. Lucas Ortiz (ATT)
11. Juan Prado (ATT)

13. Alonso Ortega (DEF)
14. Máximo Escobar (DEF)

3. Julián Leiva (DEF)
4. Luis Jara (DEF)
6. Josue Acosta (MID)
9. Franco Bustos (MID)
11. Filipe Esquivel (ATT)

12. Yoet Zapata (GK)
13. Pablo Maldonado (DEF)
14. Santiago Lagos (DEF)